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Pre-Painted Miniatures Now Available!

Available now: Pre-painted!​

We’re pleased to announce a growing selection of pre-painted prints.

Featured Pre-Painted

IGSMinis is now offering a range of pre-painted miniatures. We’ve selected our most popular and sought-after miniatures and brought them to life with vibrant, durable, and premium acrylic paint. Our pre-painted range is affordable and attractive, ready immediately for your next tabletop gaming session!

Which Miniatures are Pre-Painted?

All of our pre-painted miniatures have been curated from our existing catalog and new products you’ll be sure to love. Currently, our pre-painted selection includes terrain, scatter terrain, structures, and a few select figurines. Our 3D-printed miniatures are printed from resilient and strong PLA or Resin. You’ll find miniatures such as islands, harbours, rocks, barrels, crates, statues, vehicles, and more.

Here are some of the sculptors we currently print and paint:

  • Warscape
  • STLminiatures
  • IGSMinis
  • StoneAxeMiniatures
  • Mojibake Collectables
  • Safehold
  • Reconquer Designs
  • Jandro Marquez

Our selection is constantly growing so be sure to check our pre-painted shop page often, sign-up for our newsletter, and follow us on social media for product updates.

How are they painted?

Our in-house painter has meticulously selected colors that work best for each miniature. Our colors best match the sculptor’s intentions and have been appropriately weathered when called for if it enhances the miniature’s details. Depending on the theme and type of miniature, we paint all miniatures in-house with a few different paints. 

  • Vallejo acrylic.
  • Army Painter.
  • Americana. 

These acrylics are all high-quality and long-lasting which is important for handling and normal wear and tear. Our detailed prints are crafted from high-grade resin which is enhanced by the acrylics we use, they aren’t overlayered. We are diligent about keeping paint consistent throughout without spots or blemishes.

Why buy pre-painted?

Buying IGSMinis pre-painted miniatures is a no-brainer, they save you time from painting extra objects for your tabletop session. They’re ready out of the packaging and don’t require touch-up work. We offer affordable pricing that simply doesn’t exist elsewhere. We’re passionate about quality and usability because we too are tabletop gamers. We know what best works for most game setups, be it medieval fantasy, wargaming, or sci-fi, our pre-painted miniatures are attractive and are sure to delight your players.