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As many returning customers may have noticed, we recently updated and redesigned our website and have a new snappy name, formerly IronGateScenery. As we make the transition to IGSMinis, you may notice that our name is slowly but surely making its way onto our various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X(Twitter), eBay, and Etsy. We are the same family-run company dedicated and loyal to our customers that will never change. For more frequent updates and information, please make sure to follow us on our social media pages and subscribe to our newsletter to get updates straight to your inbox. It’s the best way to not only be apprised of our recent happenings but also take advantage and be the first to know about our exclusive sales!

We hope to help you navigate our new website and fill you in on what’s new around here so you can spend more time enjoying your hobby. We’ve completely redesigned our home page to be more straightforward, attractive, and less cluttered. Think of our homepage as our calling card, the one-stop place to find out what we do and emphasize the quality of our products without the eye strain. Unlike other websites, we try not to push too much information right away with unnecessarily long or pushy homepages hawking unrelated products front the get-go. Most importantly, here you’ll find buttons that will take you to the new shop landing pages.

Our new shop landing page is the main access point to all parts of our online store. We highly encourage you to create an account and join our points club. On sign-up, you’ll receive points to help you get started on the way to earning more points through purchases. These points can be redeemed for discounts and rewards toward your future basket. Previously, the shop pages were hidden behind context menus which were difficult to navigate. With the new upgraded layout, you’ll find every category broken down in clear readable font separated by section and color. Each product category now has featured product sections that display our best-selling, highest-rated, newest, and our pick. When you navigate to sub-categories, in the header of every page there is an easy-to-use page selector which only displays the pages relevant to your selection. For instance, instead of having a page with all the miniatures we offer, the sub-category pages will take you to the specific theme of your interest such as Animals, Chibis, Dragons, Fantasy, Historical, Modern, and Sci-Fi.

If you’re interested in having us print your own miniatures, navigate to the Hero Forge & Print-On-Demand page. We offer low-cost and affordable options for tabletop gaming miniatures, scatter terrain, busts, accessories, and more in various scales. For Hero Forge you can use their online browser application and send us the STL they provide, then select the appropriate order option on our website. We can also print any 3D model with an STL file you send us after we’ve reviewed it and given you a quote on pricing. 

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